15 Common Mistakes in Photography for Beginners and How to Avoid Them

Photography is a captivating art form, but for beginners, navigating the intricacies can be challenging. Avoiding common mistakes is essential to master the craft. Here are 15 common errors in photography and expert tips on how to steer clear of them:

1. Poor Composition:

  • Enhance your composition by mastering the rule of thirds and experimenting with leading lines for dynamic shots.

2. Incorrect Exposure:

  • Understand your camera’s settings, including aperture, shutter speed, and ISO, to achieve optimal exposure for different lighting conditions.

3. Lack of Focus:

  • Avoid relying solely on your camera’s autofocus; instead, opt for manual focus, especially in low light or macro photography.

4. Ignoring the Background:

  • Minimize distractions by paying close attention to the background and adjusting your composition accordingly.

5. Not Using a Tripod:

  • Invest in a sturdy tripod to stabilize your camera and eliminate blurriness, particularly in low light situations.

Carbon fiber tripods are significantly lighter than their counterparts, making them easier to carry during outdoor photography or videography sessions, especially in situations where mobility is essential, such as hiking or traveling.

6. Harsh Lighting:

  • Opt for the golden hour, during early mornings or late afternoons, to capture soft, flattering light and avoid unappealing shadows.

7. Not Considering Perspective:

  • Experiment with different angles and viewpoints to add depth and interest to your photographs. Explore shooting the same subject from multiple angles to enhance the overall composition and visual interest of your photographs.

Image of same subject captured from various perspectives to improve the overall composition.

8. Overprocessing Photos:

  • Keep your post-processing subtle to maintain the natural beauty of your photos, avoiding the trap of overusing filters and editing tools.

9. Not Backing Up Photos:

  • Safeguard your work by creating multiple backups on external hard drives or secure cloud storage to prevent irreversible data loss.

10. Impatience:

  • Embrace the learning curve and understand that photography demands patience and continuous practice to achieve excellence.

11. Ignoring the Histogram:

  • Learn to utilize the histogram effectively as it provides crucial insights into your image’s exposure, enabling you to make necessary adjustments.

12. Overlooking the Camera Manual:

  • Dive into your camera’s manual to fully grasp its features and settings, empowering you to utilize its full potential.

13. Not Connecting with the Subject:

  • Forge a connection with your subject to capture authentic and engaging photos that reflect their personality.

14. Rushing the Shot:

  • Take the time to set up and compose your shot thoughtfully, ensuring you capture the best possible image without rushing.

15. Neglecting Post-Processing:

  • While getting it right in-camera is important, post-processing can elevate your photos. Learn basic editing skills to enhance and refine your work.

Remember, mistakes are integral to the learning process in photography. Embrace them as stepping stones to refine your skills and unleash your creative potential. With dedication and practice, you’ll evolve into a proficient and imaginative photographer.

Moreover, consider utilizing exif displaying app to access and analyze valuable metadata within your images, empowering you to understand the intricacies of your shots and improve your photographic techniques.


The EXIF Viewer app by Fluntro is like a helpful guide for your photos. It takes all the tricky information about where and when your photos were taken and makes it easy to understand. You can use it to find out where you took a particular photo and when. It’s like having a personal photo detective in your pocket!

App that can display image metadata, including all camera details like geotags, DPI, and more if available in the image file.

Appstore Link: – https://apps.apple.com/us/app/exif-viewer-by-fluntro/id944118456

  1. Visit the App Store on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Search for “EXIF viewer by Fluntro“.
  3. Download and install the app. EXIF Viewer app allows you to view, remove and edit image and video metadata.

EXIF Viewer by Fluntro App Screenshot showing Images all exif details using including lens, geotagging, DPI. 

Checkout the preview video of Exif Viewer by Fluntro:

Related Topics

Unveiling the Cosmos: Harnessing EXIF Data in Astrophotography

Astrophotography, the art of capturing celestial wonders through the lens of a camera, has always held a special place in the hearts of astronomers and photography enthusiasts alike. With advancements in technology and the availability of powerful cameras, astrophotography has become more accessible than ever before. One of the invaluable tools in the arsenal of astrophotographers is EXIF data, which offers a treasure trove of information about each captured image. In this blog, we will explore the unique challenges and opportunities of using EXIF data in astrophotography.

What is EXIF Data?

EXIF, short for Exchangeable Image File Format, is a metadata standard used by digital cameras and smartphones to store information about an image. This metadata includes details such as the camera settings (shutter speed, aperture, ISO), the make and model of the camera, date and time of capture, and even the GPS coordinates of the location where the photo was taken.

On iOS: Screenshot of EXIF Viewer by Fluntro app displaying detail view of all exif information of a photo

Challenges in Astrophotography

  1. Long Exposure Times: Capturing stunning images of galaxies, nebulae, and other deep-sky objects often requires long exposure times, sometimes spanning several minutes or even hours. This presents a unique challenge as it can lead to sensor noise, hot pixels, and other artifacts that need to be carefully managed.
  2. Precise Tracking: To prevent star trails and ensure pinpoint sharpness, astrophotographers use equatorial mounts or star trackers to follow the apparent motion of the stars. Coordinating camera settings with the tracking equipment is crucial for successful astrophotography.
  3. Dark Skies: Light pollution from urban areas can drastically affect the quality of astrophotographs. EXIF data can help astrophotographers determine the level of light pollution at a particular location, aiding them in choosing the best spots for their shoots.

Opportunities with EXIF Data in Astrophotography

  1. Image Analysis and Enhancement: EXIF data provides a detailed record of the camera settings used for each image. This information is invaluable for post-processing. Photographers can analyze the data to understand what worked best for a particular shot and use it as a reference for future endeavors.
  2. Tracking Accuracy: EXIF data helps astrophotographers ensure that their tracking equipment is functioning correctly. By cross-referencing the captured images with the timestamp and celestial coordinates, they can identify any tracking errors and fine-tune their equipment for improved results.
  3. Location Scouting: GPS coordinates stored in EXIF data can be used to document the ideal locations for astrophotography. This information helps astrophotographers revisit successful spots or share their favorite dark sky locations with the community.
  4. Collaboration and Learning: The astrophotography community is vast and passionate. EXIF data allows photographers to share their experiences, techniques, and camera settings with others. This facilitates collaboration and learning, helping enthusiasts grow their skills and knowledge.

EXIF Data and Citizen Science

Beyond personal enjoyment and artistic expression, astrophotography plays a significant role in citizen science. EXIF data can contribute to projects such as monitoring changes in the night sky, tracking celestial events, and even discovering new celestial objects. Amateur astrophotographers armed with their cameras and EXIF data can make meaningful contributions to our understanding of the universe.

Astrophotography is a breathtaking blend of art and science. EXIF data serves as both a record of the technical aspects of each photograph and a bridge to connect astrophotographers and astronomers worldwide. It enables photographers to overcome challenges unique to astrophotography while seizing opportunities for improvement and collaboration. With EXIF data in hand, astrophotographers continue to push the boundaries of what can be captured through the lens, sharing the wonders of the cosmos with all of humanity.


You can view exif information any of your devices. 

There are also apps that shows EXIF metadata for images saved on your device. For iOS user we suggest “Exif Viewer by Fluntro“.

  • Download an EXIF viewer app from the App Store, such as “Exif Viewer by Fluntro.”
  • Open the app, import your photo, and View and Remove the EXIF data.

Appstore Link: – https://apps.apple.com/us/app/exif-viewer-by-fluntro/id944118456

Download EXIF VIEWER by FLUNTRO Appstore

Checkout the preview video of Exif Viewer by Fluntro: